Anime-Screenplay and screenwriter database

Media art archive promotion support project


*Collection in one volume
Writer ANZAI Ayuko
Broadcaster Fuji Television Nippon Educational Televisionwork、 Inc.
On Air date[1983/9/17]
Broadcasting times 19[18]
Classification Scripts
Media TV
Genre Animation
Sub Genre Robot/Mecha
Transfer destination Stored in warehouse
Synopsis ItadakimanThe Oshaka Puzzle is Buddha’s greatest treasure that has the miraculous power to save humanity. However、 the puzzle gets broken into pieces、 which are transformed into various things and then scattered across all parts of the world. Through Headmaster Ochaka of Oshaka School、 Buddha orders three intelligent students—the Tatemae Trio—named Shago Jo、 Yatsuo Ino、 and Houko Sanzo—a descendant of Xuanzang—to go on a journey to retrieve the lost puzzle pieces. However、 Yan-Yan、 Dasainen、 and Tonmentan—three dropouts who make up an evil trio—get wind of this and come up with many devious plots to take the treasure before the Tatemae Trio.During the journey、 Yan-Yan and her minions constantly try to prevent the Tatemae Trio from finding the puzzle pieces. But every time the Tatemae Trio get into trouble、 Kusaku Magota、 a boy looking for his mother from whom he was separated when he was little、 appears out of nowhere; using the powers of the small monkey robot Omonki that the Tatemae Trio got from the headmaster、 Kusaku gets into his special suit and transforms into a hero named Itadakiman. Kusaku saves the Tatemae Trio while keeping his identity secret. With his three Kintoun machines、 Kusaku makes it his mission to protect the Oshaka Puzzle from the monsters controlled by Yan-Yan and her minions that plans to use it for evil means.Itadakiman is the seventh series of the popular Time Bokan series by Tatsunoko Productions and was aired on Fuji Television from 1983. Many elements of Itadakiman are based on the novel Journey to the West.
  • *The information in [] is reference information by our group's own survey, and it is not what is described in the original of the bibliography.
  • *Regarding movies and plays, the description of the broadcast date column is "Publication Date" "Performance Day".
  • *Since Romanized notation is maked by machine conversion based on "Kana", it may be inaccurate.