Synopsis |
Little Ghost Q-TaroA comedic anime program that portrays everyday life and troubles caused by two ghosts、 Q-Taro、 and Shota、 who both live with the Ohara Family. Q-Taro is originally a resident of Ghost Country、 but gets on well with Shota and has ended up living in the human world. Q-Taro has a good-natured、 delicate and lovable personality、 and has boisterous but happy days with Shota and his classmates、 and has also become best friends with Shota. He can do all the things ghosts can do、 like flying through the sky、 disappearing、 passing through walls、 having conversations with animals、 but he has a real fear of dogs.The program features interactions between Shota、 Q-Taro and his ghost friends、 conflicts with a school bully、 Godzilla、 and his henchmen、 Kizao、 Inari、 and Tanuki、 and the nature of friendships. Each episode in the program is a complete story of the boy’s slice of life、 with jokes.Later、 Q-Taro’s young sister、 P-ko、 and his younger brother、 O-Jiro from Ghost Country、 also became popular. Communicating with each other using O-Jiro’s word、 “Bakeratta、” became a big trend among children. With the emergence of Q-Taro’s brother、 many characters appeared from Ghost Country、 and egotistical battles with Q-Taro’s rival、 Doronpa、 were also depicted in a humorous way.Hardly any companies、 except for Shogakukan which serialized comics、 commercialized this work at the time. However、 approximately half a year after broadcasting of the show began、 a social phenomenon called ObaQ Boom occurred、 and ObaQ Ondo、 one of its many theme songs、 posted sales of two million records、 and pioneered the Japanese Ondo song in subsequent anime programs.